No its not another horrible remake of a somewhat decent movie. Its a semi creative title for a long overdue blog update.
Lets start with awards, because its the thing I am most proud of. My son this past weekend won a acting award. He had a nice part in a one act play called "middle class" where he was able to show off some of the comedy skills that I have been watching around the house for years. There were 5 other schools involved with event and after all 5 schools finished thier respective plays, awards were handed out to "top performers". Being a ex jock, and having a son that really isnt into sports as much, I found myself cheering for him like he had just hit a homerun in the bottom of the 9th to win the game. Very,Very proud of my young lad. I did notice that he had a smile from ear to ear as he strode quickly up to the stage to accept his award. I gave him a tip that he needs to slow the stride down the next time he gets one. The Academy likes its stars to show some cool :-)

I am going to be boarding a plane in January to visit my Dad. The road in his cancer treatment has taken a different turn and I feel its important that I come back and spend some time with him. He is still in good spirits and we all are still keeping in the positive. The reality is that his tumors have returned and are larger than before the intial treatments. He has now begun new treatments and is responding to those well. Please keep him in your prayers as well as my Mom who is also battling some health issues. Thanks
Even though the above items are much more important in my life, I still have music to help me through the good and bad. This week 12/10, I am heading over to First Ave. ( the place where prince did purple rain) to see a show by the Black Crowes. Should be a great night and a great venue. I am not expecting to have it be a good as the Mule shows from last month, but....that is the great thing. No expectations......usually makes for a good evening!
Hmm, I wonder where your son gets his sense of humor....
Congrats to him, that's a very significant award.
So sorry to hear about your dad but will be hoping and praying that this new treatment plan kicks the cancer's ass.
Dear Barbara:
I like that "Ass Kicking Cancer Visual"... I will work on that thought as the chemo drips in next Monday the 15th and thank you for your thought!!!!
Proud of the Steven.... He is a beautiful piece of God's Creation and I know how proud we all are of him...
Stick with Purple Rain and you can't go wrong!!!! Stay away from that Nikki song tho!!!
Love you and January 10th sounds real great to this guy right now!!!!
Love you, dad
Sorry to hear about your Dad, but glad that he's responding to the new treatment well. It'll be nice for you to spend some QT together next month!
Hey Mr... where have you been? I know, you're done with me. I've been on Facebook finding a bunch of old friends from work and school (even elementary, what a blast!) One of my old friends asked if I had a blog and hence the Matt post ... what's new with you. YOu're never on yahoo anymore ;(
Hurray for Steven! As a mother of thesbians also, I can relate to their triumph in the acting world. I know you are so proud of him, as you should be.
I'm sorry about your dad, but he sounds like he has a wonderful and positive attitude...and that can work miracles, as can prayer. We are all there on that one.
I hope your holiday season is going well. I miss talking with you, my dear buddy...
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