Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What month is this?

November the 16th. Thanksgiving is around the corner,Christmas thoughts are starting to creep in. A time of the year when the outside temps are a bit on the mild side ,30's with some nice soft snow and maybe a 40 here and there.

Fast forward to what is going on here in Minnesota. We are looking at single digit lows tonight and highs in the low 20's for the rest of the week! This time last week I was knocking off early from work to enjoy the mid 60's weather to hang up my Christmas lights ( no! I am not one of those that turns them on before Thanksgiving!). Good thing I had such foresight, I would be sliding off my roof if I decided to do that today!

I guess its all part of living in this region. I still have a fair amount of California blood left in me, and I really dont enjoy January temps in November. But I know things will change, they always do! :-)


Lori said...

Brrr! Too cold for this old girl! Good for you on those Christmas lights. We're way behind you on that!

Anonymous said...

Don't miss that cold weather one bit... Nice to have the memories of the snow falling and driving out to get your own Xmas tree and seeing a beautiful stag bound in front of you and turn and look; but the Minnesota blood has thinned and the California temperatures are enough for this body...

Cannot believe how the time is flying... The classic comment of an old timer...

Loved our phone call and thanks for the great e-mail...

Enjoy the turkey and all the trimmings....