Saturday, June 03, 2006

The camera has arrived. In typical Mike Young fashion.......issues have
occuured. The "deluxe bag" that was included ....was so tiny you couldnt fit a camera ( any size) if you tried. The usb port to connect the camera to the PC is cracked. I have solved the usb issue for now...( card reader should do the trick while I wait for a replacement) and the bag is being worked on also.

Ahhhhh at least the thing takes very nice pictures. I will trust in good customer service and enjoy the pics !!!!


Bar L. said...

WOW! These flowers sent me back to my childhood, my grandparents had one of these in their yard! Great shot, Mike. I am sorry you had issues with your new stuff...I can relate.

Anonymous said...

Great Picture!!!!!!!!! Super Clarity and I am hoping for total resolution on the minor issues with the bag and cracked usb... Let us see if that "e-bayer" will hold his rating!!!!

Trust the process... Communication is the answer...

Love, dad