Sunday, February 03, 2008

Great Day

This morning I was greeted by frozen surroundings! Not that its actually been warm around here for the last month or so. 1 week ago it was -19 one morning when I ambled out to start the car. But this morning was actually pretty. I took my camera out and navigated through the icy backyard and grabbed this shot. Kinda gives you a idea of how nice the frost looks. I guess the best way to describe it is....its like looking at a huge black and white photo!

The super bowl just ended. Wow what a game. I am thrilled the NY Giants won. I always root for the underdog!


Jacquie said...

vedi nice picture. I also like it when all the branches are covered in snow. I didn't watch the bowl. Did anyone want to see the Patriots have a completely perfect season? I don't think so

Jacquie said...

oh yes, and before you ask, yes.. I did go back to the stalkerazzi profile picture. haha

Lori said...

Cool picture - literally! ha ha
We had a couple of days like this too and it is neat to capture it.

I missed the first half of the super bowl because I was prom dress shopping with my daughter (yes, we found a dress) but got home for the second half. That fourth quarter - wow! I was VERY happy that the Giants won, too!